Top 10k strings from Horizons - Intro (1982)(Sinclair Research)(16k).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 k$="4567": 1 k$="0123": 1 e$="You can read from and write to RAM (this program is in RAM) butthe contents of RAM are lost when the power is switched off.": 1 e$="You can attach other peripherals(e.g. a printer) besides the standard ones in this diagram using the edge connector.": 1 e$="This program will introduce the Spectrum hardware. We will startfrom the inside with the parts that form the microcomputer.": 1 e$="The most complex (yet cheapest) component is the microprocessor or CPU (Central Processing Unit)The CPU in the Spectrum is a Z80": 1 e$="The interface between the CPU and the peripherals is complex but is handled by a single ULA -a custom-designed chip.": 1 e$="The cassette recorder is an 1 e$="The TV & loudspeaker are output devices which the Spectrum uses to pass information to you. The loudspeaker is playing now.": 1 e$="The Spectrum 'talks' to you via the TV and you talk to or input information to the Spectrum 1 e$="The ROM contains fixed programs and data which allows the 1 e$="The CPU is of little use withoutmemory and the Spectrum has two kinds: ROM (Read Only Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory).": 1 e$="In order for the computer to do useful work it must communicate with the outside world through peripheral devices.": 1 e$="Do you want to run this program again? 1 e$="Because it is vital that you know how to use the keyboard there follows a series of 1 d$="and then press any key": 1 d$="The Spectrum Hardware": 1 d$="STOP THE TAPE": 1 d$="START THE TAPE": 1 d$="Press any key to continue": 1 d$="PSION 1 d$="Loading lesson1": 1 "hardware" 1 using the keyboard.": 1 programs to ensure just that.": 1 input and output device which is not for communication but forstorage of programs and data.": 1 Spectrum to start working as soon as it is switched on.": 1 Press Y or N for Yes or No.":